Public Art
Painting with Pineapples, 2023
Nundah Train Station, Brisbane
This mural remembers the local history of this area, capturing and contributing to a continuously evolving sense of place. The train station has played an important historical role in the residential and business development of Nundah and continues to be central to the area. This artwork design celebrates the history of growing and transporting pineapples from as early as 1863. From 1947 pineapples grown in and around Nundah were transported via the station to the Golden Circle Cannery in Northgate.
Painted as part of a Queensland Rail initiative, Positive pARTnerships where artists are commissioned to create new artwork in collaboration with communities, local schools, and other stakeholders to jointly produce high quality public artwork and instill community pride in rail infrastructure. To create the design, I researched images and information from the Nundah Historical Society and historical community photographs. The final work moves away from any literal representations of historical imagery and instead focuses on aspects from this history to create a contemporary patterned design.
Installation Photographs: Cian Sanders