Transfer Echo, 2021
Jan Manton Gallery, Brisbane
In Transfer Echo painted forms are transferred between mediums to investigate an expanded interaction with painting. Central to this investigation are four acrylic templates of abstracted motifs, a suite of individual forms that have been liberated from their acrylic supports and reinserted into painting.
This process of mediation and transfer between artworks highlights their formal relationship. Each shape that is absent in the negative spaces of the template becomes present as it is reinserted as painted form. This presence is encountered indirectly and exists like a photocopy, a ghost that echoes from one artwork to the next. Abstract details are haunted by their previous contexts, and it is through this kind of interconnectedness that each form is reanimated.
Moving between media, or intermediality, is important because it reveals the contingent and transient nature of the abstract shapes in my work. Each material manifestation creates a new relationship where meaning is created in the space between works. Through these relationships I can connect with other visual ecologies to create new meaning.
24 March - 18 April 2021
Images courtesy: Cian Sanders